Have you completed a Master or PhD, or worked in a company where you worked extensively with superconducting qubits? Have you developed expertise in quantum computing technology? Are you someone who likes to measure superconducting quantum devices, use dilution refrigerators and low-noise control electronics? Do you want to work on technological solutions within a diverse team in an applied research environment involving university labs? Are you excited to work on different quantum technologies in close collaboration with start-ups and bigger companies in the area of quantum computing? Then this is the job for you!You will be working in the Quantum Technology department of TNO in projects we perform directly for clients, like start-ups in the ecosystem around Delft or Europe, or in close collaboration with the TU Delft in the QuTech research center for quantum computing and quantum internet. Our mission is to use state-of-the-art scientific knowledge in developing technology into higher TRL (Technology Readiness Level) applications, designing and building systems that leverage on quantum properties. At the Quantum Technology department in TNO, we bridge the gap between fundamental research and application in test-beds, demonstrators and product development.The QT group is a young department that consists of about 65 people of very diverse backgrounds that contribute to different aspects of Quantum Technology. It has for mission to make Quantum Technology available to society by connecting science, technology and business. Based on our engineering know-how, we develop quantum technology, give direction to the scientific developments and develop business opportunities together with our partners. You will work toward this mission with a team of your peers, but also in close collaboration with our partners. You will not work on your own, and your work will contribute to larger project goals that can only be achieved with a focused team effort. You will be working on a variety of superconducting quantum devices, where you perform or automate low-noise, DC and RF measurements in dilution refrigerators. You will be principally working toward measuring the properties of qubits, tuning those to an operating state, and automating the software to do so. You will do this on a variety of device types, principally superconducting qubits. As a device expert you will collaborate with the fabrication and simulation teams in order to improve the reproducibility, stability and predictability of both devices and characterization software and techniques.See more of the TNO Unit High Tech Industry and the Quantum Technology Group.